Originally Posted by AzulieAngel
I know the ones like the guy with the hook, the Ghost of a hitchiker, and a myth about the Deer-Lady or a Goat-man!
I know other myths but that's all that I can recall right now.
I know alot of old myths like the ones about what mermaids are, or Nymph's! I like learning new myths and legends though!
I believe The Ghost Rider legend is spanish but I may be wrong, I do know that the comic & the movie are based off a myth about the hellhounds and one of the ones about the devil.
Though that would be a matter of your religion if you believe it true or not personally I don't believe it though!
I'll put down the full ones later if you want Nobura.
Will you put down the ones you know too? 
Wow thats a lot LOL. Uh i know bout the hook, bloody mary, the hitchhiker, la llorona, the lady in white, el chupacabra, honoka( this ones japanese), fairys( in england which here in american we call trolls), uh alot more i cant think of right now though ^_^ If you wanna know more about one of the ones I listed just ask!