Originally Posted by buggedout
Nyororin Im pretty new to the forum and i read your story it sounds allot like mine parents didn't really care not through nastyness i just think they didn't know how to raise a child you know my mom had me when she was 18 so I dont really hold anything against them anymore but i did when i was younger im 23 now I left home when i was 15 and drifted around took some japanese classes when i was in collage and from there I knew it was where I wanted to be the history the people it fascinated me and Iv never lost that fasination Iv moved round england allot with trying to get away from my childhood but never really making it far enough away i geuss japan is my ultimate escape I have no dillusions of it been easy or it been a perfect society and everything been peachy when I get there and I dont expect it to just happen for me which is why Iv put myself through collage and university im in my final year now so when im finished i have no ties keeping me hear and a degree so Im going to do it I first came on this forum looking for people who could give me a hand let me know what i needed to do but after my first post got a little bit ripped down by a few people who seemed to think it was ok to just tell me my dreams where basically stupid because i am dislexic i didn't really have a chance I was not going to come back on I gave it one more chance in the hope that I maybe some one would give me some advice and some stories about how they got there and i found your thread so thank you its nice to hear some one was in the same boat as me and succesfully made there dreams come true and is happy its made me feel allot better about my dreams now 
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