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Salvanas (Offline)
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12-04-2009, 08:17 PM

That's your opinion. They're the same old unfounded hyperbole. The so-called backup was nothing but blog articles. Someone could spend all day throwing blogs back and forth. I could even post a bunch of material with cited references and it would get dismissed as mere youtube videos or even the sources themselves would get downplayed, no matter how scientifically authoritative.
Please, one thing that annoys me the most out of everything someone could possibly say to me, it's "That's your opinion." Yes, I know it's my opinion. No need to state the obvious, as if I haven't thought of such a thing.

Post it, and we shall see how people comment on it. It's what a discussion is based on. Regardless if you find their back-up lacking or not, they're still posting more than you are.

If you expect me to sit here all day to acknowledge every asinine, dismissive brainfart that comes around, you are mistaken. If no one even bothers to convincingly explain the rationale behind dismissing a single reference to the entire field of climatology in favor of hyperbole and sources clearly reported to be motivated by the industry, the whole thing is equally as interesting to me as debating jesus with fundies.
Ah, you see, a good debater would have simply given up there, and ignored the whole thread. Since, you know, these guys aren't worth arguing with right? Yet, you still seem to take the time to reply back with comments that ridicule them.

I don't expect you to acknowledge every "brainfart" that comes around. But I do expect you not to take that, so called precious time of yours, to mock them repeatedly.

Given the claims referenced, it's sufficient argument. If somebody wants to elaborate specific, logical arguments beyond political hyperbole, I'm all for it. That is yet to show as the main point from these denialist folks and all others like them.

"Great global warming swindle" crockumentary: debunked, director unresponsive, now ignored. Solar, volcanoes, mist, clouds blamed on global warming and called natural: as debunked as creationism, including the unyielding believers. Now some unspecific email "hacking" is supposed to make all that go away along with the entire (clearly reported) motivation and sponsors behind denialism? Give me a break. I'm not going to care about 35 different copy-paste jobs about algore at some blog, nor about what anyone thinks about my response.
Yet, instead of arguing the point, you throw remarks at them.

Understand. I'm not saying anything about the subject. I'm talking on the subject of your immature responses toward the thread.

You seem to see yourself in such a high light, that your arrogance seems to overflow.

- “I've been lucky. I'll be lucky again.” -
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