Originally Posted by sarasi
Rose is bara, which is often written in hiragana- ばら, or katakana- バラ, but occasionally in kanji- 薔薇. You can see how complicated the kanji are- most Japanese people can't write it without checking, so they write it in hiragana or katakana.
I beg to disagree on the reason that we don't often write "rose" in kanji. The biggest reason is that we have a long tradition of writing in kana the names of vegetables, fruit, fish, flowers, etc. It has very little to do with how complicated the kanji are.
Lily is 百合. Any 2nd-grader would know the two simple kanji but many of us, including very educated adults, would still prefer to write it in kana. Writing words like "rose" in kanji as 薔薇 will more often make you look "affected" rather than "eductaed".