Originally Posted by Nagoyankee
Writing words like "rose" in kanji as 薔薇 will more often make you look "affected" rather than "eductaed".
i second that. lol
Originally Posted by sarasi
Rose is bara, which is often written in hiragana- ばら, or katakana- バラ, but occasionally in kanji- 薔薇. You can see how complicated the kanji are- most Japanese people can't write it without checking, so they write it in hiragana or katakana.
although, i don't know if anyone knows it or if japanese would call this other word as the meaning of "rose" flower also... but (玫瑰) .
to ppl who thinks that writing 薔薇 is more difficult, you can also tried other options like 玫瑰, which also means "rose", which may seem easier to write in kanji.