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ozkai (Offline)
X Kyoto
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12-06-2009, 11:41 AM

Originally Posted by sakurasake41 View Post
About two weeks ago, I found myself with a sore throat. I had just been to karaoke, so I thought that I had simply sung too much or too loudly and that I was losing my voice from it, but days later it hadn't gone away and I had developed a cough. So I figured it was a cold, since I had been caught in the rain without an umbrella before that. I didn't have any pain, no fever, no pressure in my head, none of the "feeling like crap" stuff, just a sore throat and a cough. But since I was coughing and had a little bit of a runny nose, I figured I was sick, so I took Nyquil and cough drops and decided to tough it out, like I usually do in America. I had had my family send me American medicine so I thought it would only take a few days to go away.

My throat stopped hurting several days ago, but I still have a cough, and when I do it feels like my chest is congested. I think it's slowly, slowly getting better (I'm not coughing as much as I was yesterday, even) but I've had pneumonia twice in the past and I have a mild case of Marfan Syndrome, so I have to be very careful. I'm, so I don't want to go and just have them tell me 'sorry, you're getting better already so there's nothing we can do' like they usually do in America. But the fact that I do have a cough, even slightly, and a little chest congestion, makes me wonder if I should go just in case. Another thing is that I worry that I wouldn't be able to understand what the doctors told me even if I did go, or that I wouldn't be able to fill out the forms.

Long story short, I think I should go to the doctor. But I'm very nervous--I haven't been to the doctor here before, and my vocabulary medically basically extends to '(body part) ga itai'. I'm worried that it will be a completely useless visit, and I don't have the slightest clue how to even go about making an appointment with a doctor anyway.

Also, does anyone have any tips on how to even find a doctor's office (I live in Shimotakaido right now)? Is there anything important I should know? I have national health insurance so that shouldn't be a problem. Sorry for rambling, I just figured details would be useful!
Well, to be totally honest I also felt scared about such a scenario..

The scariest part for me was getting knocked over whislt riding my motor scooter.

I was in the middle of a mian road, "Route 24" in Uji, laying on the tarmac with my scooter a few metres away, felt both legs, they were still their, got up, turned the engine off, wheeled the scooter over to the old geezer in the old Toyota that knoced me off, and demanded his licence.

I insisted we head South to the khoban down the road, can you believe he did not even offer me a lift!

He ran a red from side street, he disgareed, I initated a full police inverstigationw hich proved fruitless, except to say my Japanese colleague was paid by the police when he came with me as a translator.

After the accident, I went to my local hospital with my wife, around midnight, It was closed and I pushed the buzzer. I got the night doc who was assisted by a very sexy nurse.

She asked me to pull my pats down (Backside only), and she patted some antiseptic and my backside.. It felt rather nice

That was my only experience with a Japanese hospital and I was more than happy with the service.

My Ex was also a nurse in Japan at a phyciatric hospital, and the storeis that came out were mind boggling.. The corruption with police related to Yakuza crime was also disgusting..

On the other hadn, I had virtually all my teeth attended to by my local Kyoto dentist, and he was FIVE STAR all the way.. What an amazing job..

I was then wondering if he gave me the special treatment becuase his siblings were my students..
Seriously, all the work he had done I had checked by my dentist in Sydney, and he was simply amzed at the perfection..

My guess is, Japan medical can be good or bad, it just depends on who you see and where you end up..

A mother of two of my private students in Japan was a surgeon who studied in the US.. She used to tell me that Amercian and Australian medical far exceeds the quality of Japan. I guess she should be believed.

It's a hard call;; really, but in relaity, I would trust Australian medical over JP..

Cheers - Oz
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