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Nyororin (Offline)
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12-06-2009, 03:22 PM

Originally Posted by Nagoyankee
Where did Nyororin say that?
She was the only one to bring up the concept of a large hospital for the OP to get medical attention, so that is what toshiaki is referring to.
I hate to quote myself, but I said THIS;

I advise against going to a regular hospital, as more serious problems are referred to a large hospital from everywhere else which means they are generally crowded and more specialized. (And also a whole lot less likely to be able to devote a bit of extra time to understand you if your Japanese isn`t great.)

Never did I say it was a good idea to head to a large hospital - the opposite, in fact.

Originally Posted by ozkai View Post
How many doctors/clinics/hospitals have you visited in Japan?
As my son has serious medical issues - I`m pretty sure a lot lot more than you... Or even 90% of the Japanese population for that matter. Regular doctors, small clinics, specialists, emergency room visits, etc etc.

You would'nt get me taking a tooshi pill!
With suppositories, if you actually want medication to work quickly and reliably - there is really nothing better. If you`re REALLY sick (think 41 degree fever, vomiting every 15 minutes, etc) 2 seconds of discomfort followed by relief in less than 5 minutes is a thousand times better than trying to keep medication down for the hour plus it takes to kick in - at a weaker strength than the suppository.

But hey, it`s up to you. I`ll take the second of discomfort over sickness any day, but some people have some weird complex and would rather feel like crap for hours longer.

Either way - the only times I have actually had suppositories prescribed to anyone in my family they were for high fever or constipation. Pretty much everything else is given in the form of powdered medication, actually measured and packaged for your specific weight and condition.

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