12-06-2009, 04:40 PM
Well I don't know too many Kanji yet (around 120) so I haven't encountered too many big kanji compounds yet but I don't see the individual readings when I read them. I don't even have to think of them. When I see 有名人 for example I don't read it as ゆうめいじん, I just know it means 'celebrity' from exposure to it and I know that celebrity is ゆうめいじん and therefore I have read it. The same with all that stuff, I know 言語学 is linguistics and I know the word for linguistics is げんごがく therefore I have read it. I'm not thinking about any of it. I have just seen them before so I can recognize them without having to think about their readings. Just like how in English I have seen the word 'beautiful' before so I don't sound it out when I'm reading in my head, I just take it in.
Also as Nyororin said, the Japanese are taught Kanji the same way we learn it. They are made to draw it out to remember the stroke order and learn its meaning as well as its on and kun readings. They are exposed to it more though which is probably why they are more fluent with Kanji than most people who speak Japanese as a second language. This doesn't mean you can't have this exposure if you want to though (by being in Japan or reading a lot of Japanese things for example).