Originally Posted by Harumaki
Hey guys,
I'm currently in my 4th year studying Japanese and Japanese culture on the university of Leiden. I'm engaged with a Japanese girl and speaking only Japanese at home at the moment.
The reason I make this thread is, because I am interested in hearing/reading the experience of other non-Japanese who learned this awesome language.
Well, my experience:
Since I am in my 4th year and using it every day, I became pretty font of the language itself. Words I didnt hear before can be understood and grammatical constructions are almost all seen at least one time before, so my language skills are almost fluently.
BUT, come on, xD Japanese is soooooooo hard to learn! It has so many synonyms and homonyms, it makes me wanna cry of frustration sometimes
There are soooo many ways to say something in a different way, unbelievable! But maybe it is the level of difficulty to reach a fluent level which makes it attractive to me
How did you experience it? Tell me about your hardships of learning Japanese! aka Mission Almost Impossible!
Thanks in advance for reading and replieing <3
今晩は、春巻さん!貴方に「私の日本語表記体系の学習 経験」について教えたいですので書こうにしました。私 には、簡単な平仮名と片仮名を長い間から勉強しました 。そのあと、漢字という中国を起源とする表語文字を学 び始めてそのとき、習いにくくて、無理そうと思いまし た。ただし、自分は描くことが好きなんですから、とり あえず、漢字の正しい筆順(書き順)と書き方を学習し ようと思いました。数日の後で、漢字の書きで熟達した んですけれども、音・訓読みと漢字の意味をあのころ知 りませんでした。言いたい事は、「私漢字を別々に習っ てる」ということで大丈夫です。でも、貴方達が漢字を 易しくて、可能だと思ったらば、絶対に、全て覚え出来 るかもしれませんね。漢字は明らかに、論理と理解を必 要としますね。それじゃあ、頑張りましょう。