Originally Posted by Ito
in sweden they plan to redouce global warming. but they are doing things in wrong wayes. making more supermarkets so people go there to shopp. buildning more highwayes for more traffic.
while we gonna redouce our global warming while we are really increasing it.
o-O experiancing more traffic now becouse people are to lazy to walk or take bike to jobs or school. hearing traffic now =(.
hugs Ito
that is inevitable... every country in the world is expanding in the way you speak of.. it is just @ a much slower rate in many countries... if we really want to reduce climate impact of humans we are really missing the one idea that would have the most impact- diminishing population
we need to get the indians to accept gay's and implement an incentive based strategy in each and every country to have one or two children per couple - with the highest incentive awarded to each couple that have 1 child. and a negative incentive if a couple has more than two children.
and yes, i agree, we need to bike more places, but we are slowly developing a widely renewable energy system and efficient, electric powered cars which will render it ok to use cars again... hopefully i will see this fully established in my lifetime
I am actually wanting to design a carbon fiber chariot that uses Yokohama's... i think bringing back horse travel would be awesome