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(#4 (permalink))
xyzone (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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Join Date: Nov 2009
12-07-2009, 08:58 AM

Originally Posted by iPhantom View Post
Huh, what? What kind of anime you watch? Digimon and Pokemon characters WERE 10 year old, it wasn't the fault of the design. And there are plenty of anime now with adults or more frequently, 18 year old characters.
I don't watch it, but I see it around and advertised all the time. I'm not talking about the background and stats characters are supposed to be, I mean the design. Digimon was all 10 year olds? Ok. (no they weren't) That "little" design has taken off and become more popular despite what you're trying to say.

And PockyMePink, it doesn't matter what this or that real people look like, we're talking about animation here. Nobody looks literally like the average 10 year old unless they are a 10 year old.

Maybe you just have no point of view of the old stuff, but i see a definite increase in the short spindly kid look.
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