Originally Posted by xyzone
So you just ignore everything before it and reply to one line? Not useful either. You ignore the whole premise behind the statement which sufficiently justifies it.
How about you read everything I write before making a useless post? I said I'd reply later.
Originally Posted by xyzone
Ok then, I got it. You were just being a critic.
Basically, yes!
I don't understand exactly what you're implying or saying here. Do you mean that I would support the government telling people what to study? If so, I wouldn't. That's ridiculous. People are free to ponder anything they want, and even sponsor any cockamamie study they want, but the fact remains that science is a well-defined process behind an established system. It's supposed to be about empirical evidence and peer review, not opinion, style, or anything else. It's the same system that developed the engineering which lets use use computers and fly airliners across oceans. And within that system is evolution, the greenhouse effect and climate models. And as far as the topic of challenging global warming, this is the system that I would think should be followed.
No, I'm not saying anything of the sort... Why would you assume that what I said was me implying the government would be telling people what to study? You need to stop thinking that everyone that is against Global warming has a political mind. I don't care about the politics! But you should know one thing about the government educational programme. In England, they start education on Global warming and all things related at a very early age. We were taught the basics of the Greenhouse effect at the age of 7.
Why are you giving me a definition of science? I've been studying science since the age of 5 and I'm still studying it at university.
No, hold it right there. It's not blindly. I can and/or have cited the reasoning, sources, and any other variable I can produce to backup my statements and assertions. It's not a blind belief. Like I said, it is following the same system which developed your computer and jet airplanes. If it is blind belief, then if you believe microchips run computers, I can challenge that notion by citing sources, which I can call scientific which state that magic spirits run computers. Then if you call that pseudoscience, I can label you a blind believer in your own pseudoscience.
I'm sorry, you haven't really cited much. You've argued to death the last 10 years of cooling and I get the impression you think people arguing against global warming are using this as the corner stone of their argument. Lets say I told you in 1994, an article was released by Columbia University showing that the earth's temperature has been almost cyclic since the beginning and that it has gone especially erratic in the past 2 million years. How would you explain the Global Warming and Cooling of the planet before humans started destroying the planet?
When I argue about Global warming, it's more to do with things like this and how a little over 50 years ago, 80% of the scientific community, much like now, was unequivocally sure that the earth was moving towards the next ice age.
So, as you may or may have not guessed, I don't really care about the last 10 years!
Like I said. I've read up on it personally. Real scientists tell us that global warming is real and that we are causing it. The greenhouse effect isn't the most complicated calculus on the planet. The numbers match up. If they don't, then as I stated above, I can challenge any so called scientific field with magic and reflects any reclamations of pseudoscience.
Ahh yes, back to the "real" scientists. Did you know, most of the worlds best scientists weren't "real" scientists for most of their career? I think it's pitiful, especially for someone that seems to know so much and talk so much about scientific method, to imply a group of scientists are more "real" simply because they're in the corner he agrees with.
And you need to stop talking about magic and of the sorts thinking you are better than "so called" scientists, because I'm pretty sure, these so called scientists in their own field know more about global warming than you, a "not even so called" scientist.

Anyone can challenge anything with magic and voodoo crap... Go pick up your closest philosophy book, and I'm sure you can prove that I'm a dinosaur!
Look at the last example of the argument I presented. Somebody brought up the old quackery about the temperature dropping in the last 10 years. This is very thoroughly and clearly explained by the ocean event of el niƱo; however, the climate model isn't about an isolated decade, and the decades long temperatures paints a much different picture, as do many other climate related events. But that can be easily dismissed with flawed logic, just like anything can be. Real scientists tell us climate is being changed by carbon emissions. To dismiss that along with the well known motivation behind the opposing propaganda, debunked time after time, is not useful.
Once again, I don't care about the last 10 year... When we get to the 10 million years, let me know!
I never bother to even listen to all the political mumbo jumbo, but what do you mean by well known motivation behind the opposing propaganda?