12-07-2009, 05:01 PM
noooo he's so gentle and very educated... !!
Anyway... I have still a problem... hours and hours... but still i don't know how to translate... I mean, seams a short and easy thing.. but still I could mean 3 things contemporaneally and I don't know which translations to decide...
the phrase is:
A person like a prince (should wear) a bathrobe at home (when he's in the
the Royal Palace)
either that it's adidas
or it's adidas
otherwise it's adidas...
in all 3 translations... still it don't make sense to me! ;__;
it could have sense if he said "all prince should wear the bathrobe in home or (even) an adidas (as if it's the 'same thing') but why "otherwise it's adidas"?? What sense have this?
Last edited by munzy : 06-21-2010 at 12:12 PM.