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therealWrongworld (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 3
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Denmark
12-10-2009, 10:43 PM

hey everyone

just joined to forum and have been reading all 115 pages here over the last week.
good to see an happy ending to your struggle, to find happiness in life Nyororin
and wanna thank thoose of u who take the time to answer all the questions we might have.

anyway, im a guy from denmark who turns 21 in may and my biggest dream is to experience daily life in japan first hand.
maybe one day move there, allthough moving there will properbly not become more then a dream.

my plan is to get a pre-pension, here in denmark within the next few years and keep living with my father for a few month, to get money enough to stay at a host family for 2-3 month in japan.
then return home and do it all over again and again, untill i get tired of traveling back and fourth.
(if i like it there ofcourse, but would be surprised if i didnt)

problem is that i was bad in school, finnished 9 grade and that im unable to work, job ect. and properbly never will be able to handle a job.

im diagnosed with paranoid schizopfrenia, never been sick enough to be hospitilized, and havent taken any medication for 4 month now.
since im better off without now, since i dont have any positive symptoms anymore.

and because of that i properbly will never be able to stay in japan more then thoose 2-3 month.

now to my questions.
and i hope someone would like to help with them, since i cant find anything on the internet about it, if there is anything its properbly in japanese
(and cant read that)
but its understandble if none wanna give me any answers since u would properbly have to do some seaching.

i would like to know how life is for a schizopfrenic person in japan, would he just be hospitilized even if he aint dangerous for himself, or others for that matter?
what about a place to live and food ect. if he aint able to handle a job?
would it be posible to get some sort of pre-pension like in denmark?
would i have to be diagnosed in japan for schizopfrenia or would i be able to take the diagnosis with me there?
whatever they have, would a citizen of japan only be able to get it, or would someone like me also be able to get it with a plausel visa? (or what its called)

i would be really greatfull if someone would answer some of my questions.
and thanks for your time eitherway

pleased to meet u all
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