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Tenchu (Offline)
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12-11-2009, 12:08 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
There are quite a few in Japan, too. But not at the rate there is in Thai, from what I can gather.

They are called "New Half" in Japan (if they get they get medically converted) and several are popular talents and a lot are hostesses or "mamas" at expensive drinking establishments.

However, you would probably not see a "new half" working at a bank or restaurant. The tend to only find work in some form of the entertainment industry.
It's "Thailand". To say "I'm living in Thai" is no different than "I'm from Jap"... it just makes no sense.

I can't recall many having higher up jobs in Thailand, but some might, I don't know. But you see them at KFC or 7 Eleven or the sorts all the time.

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