Originally Posted by MMM
Interesting. I met quite a few high schoolers from Taiwan who had come to the US to study, and their English was a lot stronger than the Japanese and Korean students, thought not as strong as the HK students.
actuallly, comparing to the ones that you just mentioned (besides HK), taiwanese does have a lot more of a stronger understanding and speaking skills of english. (for the ones that i've known also.)
Originally Posted by Retrogamer77
This might seem random but how are the Vietnamese with speaking Mandarin? For the past 2 years literally 3/4 of my Chinese class has been Vietnamese students.
you should know pretty well, since you have classes with them. lol
Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
Yeah, those Singaporeans speak English pretty well la! (or is it "le" there?) Haha!
actually, for HK and Singaporeans, they all use 'la', not 'le'.