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(#16 (permalink))
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Allene7 (Offline)
The Nymphic Ninja
Posts: 96
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: U.S.
12-12-2009, 08:28 AM

I don't think make up is a bad thing by any means. I don't wear it myself though but that's because I can't stand having anything on my face. It just feels gross to me. I do however, think that it can look really good on some people be them male or female. There can definitely be too much make up though. When people wear too much I think it does the opposite of what it's intended to do and just makes them look awful.

I think make up looks best when it's used to enhance ones features and not cover up everything in an attempt at pseudo plastic surgery. When people where so much make up that you suffer a big shock when they take it off then that's when I think it's too much. Plus, I think make up tends to look better when it's lighter. However, I do love the fun eye shadow colors and things that people do but only when it's down well and not by someone who clearly doesn't know what they're doing.
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