12-12-2009, 03:05 PM
Many people have had problems with Ozkai, and many of the women on this forum find his advances creepy.
But this isn't the place to talk about that.
However, I understand your point Komit. I have felt that at times too with a certain member, but unfortunately, when I've tried to bring it up with the mods I was told that I argued back, and so that nullified my argument. Despite the fact that I moved on, and everytime I kept trying to have a chat with others, or replied to his posts in an orderly fashion (and on-topic), he'd come back with a remark which would always target me and seeked to mock me.
Yet nothing was done about it because the mods thought I had a grudge against him, and was just trying to get him banned for the hell of it.
Such things could be picked up on mods. IT might seem like a grudge, but there is always a reason for a grudge. Don't let it get to extreme points before you decide to warn someone.
Note: Not saying that I was always in the right. It counts for me too. The only time I got a ban was when I decided to insult, and flame Miyavifan through a PM. There was friction between us for ages. You should have seen something like that coming up ;P
- “I've been lucky. I'll be lucky again.” -