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NanteNa (Offline)
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12-12-2009, 04:02 PM

Originally Posted by Salvanas View Post

My point is that everyone, including mods, perceive our opinions as facts subconsciously, the majority of the time. It's our opinions, vs the Mod's opinions. We have no power, yet the mods have all the power. Whose argument over-rules? The mods, always in the end, cause they have the power.
This very much depends on what it's concerning. If a member broke a rule several times and ignored all types of warnings, then I agree that the mod has the right to ban the person or set through some consequences of appropriate character. Yet, if it's a regular discussion run by personal opinions in a thread somewhere, then I don't see why the mod is automatically 'right', just because they have the so called 'power' to ban anyone to speak against them.

A statement like this just makes me think that you have NO confidence in moderators and their judgment at all.

EDIT: I usually encourage people to contact another mod as third party if they feel unfairly treated by a mod.

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