Originally Posted by Salvanas
Don't be daft. I have loads of confidence in the moderators. You are all doing a great job.
That doesn't mean I cannot point out some faults, can I?
It seems to me Nan, that you're taking this personally, or as if I'm saying the moderators are bad. I'm just criticising one or two points, which were a concern to me.
Since, this is the whole point of the thread, right?
Well I'm glad.
No, it certainly does not mean that. That's what the thread's for.
I just assumed that you didn't have confidence in the mods from the way you formed your entry. lol. This is the forum we're on. The forum that this thread is on. Therefore I simply thought that you were talking about us mods in general as we're moderating THIS place - and I don't think that has anything to do with taking things personally. I'm just putting two and two together.
I'm not the only mod on here, after all. We had some mods that failed, but they're not mods anymore.