Created an account just to make one addition to the vocab building / kanji resources listed in this thread.. it's
Speedanki kanji flashcards. Simple and easy way to study words and kanji. From the JLPT Study forum:
This is not exactly breaking news, but I thought I'd announce it here as well that the old and venerable JLPT flashcard site Speedanki is under new management. We've made some updates and improvements and will continue to do so at a leisurely pace. We've also opened a blog where you can leave comments and voice your opinions on Speedanki to the developers (all two of us).
For those who are not familiar with it, Speedanki is a popular online flashcard system for memorizing JLPT vocabulary from level 4 to 1. It's completely free to use (although we might add some ads at some point). Speedanki's strengths are its simplicity and great example sentences that help in memorizing the cards.
Check it out and tell your friends, too!
You don't have to study for the JLPT test to use it. I don't.