Originally Posted by ilovedaisuke7
Alrightie! Sounds good. XD
I know, I miss her</3
I really want it! I watched it on youtube and holy fracking god, the secret sessions are FGADFHGKFJGHFUIGHJGHKFGHFLKGHFJKG.
They're so magical, I died.
I KNOW! It's a tradgedy, but I've just been so caught in my own life, that I haven't had time for Alice Nine.. Although, recently I've been catching up!
Well at least ONE PSC band can work backstage stuff, then. >_<'' GazeBoys previous DVD dat came with DIM SUCKED! >_<'' Ughh!
I still love the PSCarnival clips from '05 with Saga lying on the table. XD hahaha! Omg he's so hardcore!
Well that's good, my friend. ^^v