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JF Ossan
Posts: 12,200
Join Date: Jun 2007
12-13-2009, 05:44 AM

After WWII we found all kinds of ways to make crops grow bigger and faster and to kill bugs and other natural enemies in new and exciting ways.

It didn't that many years (but more than a couple) to figure out all those chemicals and fertilizers were actually harmful to not only to the ecology, but also to consumers.

I am 100% fine with the notion that global warming is a natural process that goes up and down over decades or centuries in an regular or irregular cycle.

However, I cannot accept the fact that humans and human industry have no affect on the environment, and therefore can do nothing to make the environment better.

Fly into Los Angeles and look out the window before you land (on a clear day). It's really very disarming. Tell me that is nothing but a completely man made smog bowl thanks to millions of cars burning millions of gallons of gasoline in one city alone, every day.

Instead of top-down, tell me bottom up that has no effect on the environment, as it certainly has an effect on the people that live there. On many days it is healthier to stay indoors than it is to go jogging in Los Angeles.

So, no, I don't think Al Gore is a thief trying to take advantage of people's naivety, I think his heart is sincere and well-intentioned.
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