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(#85 (permalink))
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Columbine (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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12-13-2009, 01:45 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
The fish are dead before they buy them.
Not always true, my uncle works in the oil industry and during the 80's and 90's he was hopping over to japan about 4 times a year. Needless to say, particularly pre-bubble there was a lot of the big business dinner, big host showing off kind of thing going on, particularly with one associate, Dr. O. who was something of a food buff. Anyway, Dr. O finds out my uncle has tried and liked sushi, so he says he'll take him to this top place in Tokyo he knows, the kind with no signs and you have to be introduced to or else you're not getting so much as a peek through the door.

They go, it's a very nice place with a big bar and lots of fish tanks. Uncle N. is thinking "This is worryingly reminiscent of places in China I know." Dr. O orders as my uncle can't speak a lick of Japanese and the chef whips a fish out of a tank, and fillets it right there and then. Sorry, no fiddling around with micro-machinery. Uncle N. gets a beautiful plate of gently twitching sashimi and the fish sits on the board still gasping, waiting for the other side to be filleted.

What seems strange to me is all the people yarking, " I could never eat sushi, raw fish is sooooo disgusting" though a mouthful of smoked salmon or soused herring.

I ate chicken sashimi and thought it was rather good >.>; Though I wouldn't eat it without the umeboshi dressing.
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