12-13-2009, 02:18 PM
I saw documentary on how scientist belive word would be 75 years from now.
It wasent any nice sight, people where dieing of thurst. U cant farm vines in France anymore becouse its to dry and not enought water.
Things sickens me now wen all swedish people claim there are invormentalist and they take car everywhere, for only shop one bag of food.
I think people should start driving less and use bike. I use my feet mostly where im going, then train to larger city. Going to holland for the first time by air. Never been on airplane before and im 23 years old. But there are people who have afford to do that all the time.
Not only is the co2 problem in this word is all the garbage of plastic that is floting in the ocean in the size of texas.
Cheers Ito
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Member in deviantart: ito86
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