12-13-2009, 03:08 PM
I think there is a significant difference between looking at someone living in another culture and judging them based upon your culture... And judging someone IN your culture.
A woman in a culture that accepts toplessness is fine. As long as it is being done within her culture, then there is nothing wrong with it and I will not judge as that is her cultural norm. However, a woman walking around in a bikini top in a culture that does NOT approve of that level of exposure... I AM going to judge them very harshly.
Why? Because while the topless woman may be exposing much more, she is in the bubble of her own culture, and that style of dress has it`s own meaning there. What someone in some other country, in some very different culture would think is of no concern to her.
However, the bikini top woman - she HAS to know what that style of dress says about her in her own culture. She HAS to know that people are going to judge her in a specific way. It is indeed her choice to dress the way she wants, but it isn`t without cultural knowledge of how she`ll be looked at... And chances are, she dresses that way because she IS looking for the type of attention it is normal to get wearing that type of clothing.
Even when someone is *visiting* a different country/culture - they should have the intelligence to recognize what is and is not acceptable there... And how they will be looked at if "flaunting their culture".
In the case of girls with short skirts - obviously no one deserves to have something actually DONE to them... But they are "asking for it". Unfortunately, I think half the time they don`t know what "IT" is - and just see any attention as positive attention.
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