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bELyVIS (Offline)
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12-13-2009, 03:21 PM

Originally Posted by orewasenshi View Post
I'm talking about the men in AMERICA, because it's the main country we seem to be focusing on here.

The majority of men in America are disgusting pigs, they don't usually have the same morals as you were taught, unless they were actually enforced by their own mothers, which I highly doubt.
I guess you haven't been to Brazil or Italy if you think American men are pigs. At least we are quiet about it (most times) and not shouting crude remarks.
What most women say they want and what they really want appear to be two different things. I used to think that being a gentleman was the way to get a nice (or even a not nice) girl, but found they were attracted to men who were pigs and jerks. Once I tried this approach, things changed. But this isn't really who I am.
The same could be said about how these girls dress. They may be bowing to peer pressure or think that to get a man interested they need to dress like this. This doesn't make them sluts. Besides, why is it OK for a man to be a slut but not a woman?
Get to know the person before you make a judgement about them because of how they look.

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