Originally Posted by Columbine
This isn't wholly directed at you, but all 'smart women' are aggressive career harpies? Oh COME ON. Because a housewife or a mother can't ~possibly~ have qualifications or an iota of intelligence?
*derisive snort* That's complete bull. My great aunt was a ferociously intelligent woman and she spent most of her working life as a nanny. The best 'qualification' she had was a talent for calming colicky babies and washing nappies till they shone and yet make no mistake, she was an incredibly bright, independent woman with one hell of a memory. She had to be to deal with the kind of people who employed her and the kind of events they liked to put on.
Anyway, I agree with Nyororin. Smart women have wider experience to draw from when times get difficult, or can ease the difficulties by providing resources that uneducated women can't, such as a second income. They're also more capable of taking on some of the brunt of heavy decision making and managing themselves, so they have better coping strategies in general.
Additionally, I find this study a bit suspect. Surely educated women are also more inclined to be pickier about their standards? Smart women don't tend to want to marry thick men so it could be simply that the men smart women are married to are predisposed to live longer already, on their own merits.
I think you took this a little too personally, to be honest.
And the question was directed at the people viewing this thread, because he asked if we agreed with it or not.
*hides behind a shield and awaits the second bombing raid*