12-14-2009, 05:21 AM
I promise I wont. XD -smiles-
Your the second person I've known ever from Holland. The first is a gal from myspace. She's going to send me some tulips and turkish coffee amongst some other things. She bombards the bulletins w/music videos in Dutch and Serbian which she also knows. Lol I think I might be fluent in those soon if she has her way. ^^;
It's nice to know someone else who speaks German, although mine is going rusty fast. >.> I swear it's not my fault, more people need to learn it or something, it should be a requirement if you want to be a Rammstein fan lol that would make the enrollment rate and teaching go up! Till then more often than not I'm stuck studying w/books and cds. Oh and music. ^^ It's all good till the neuter form comes along and then I curse the gods and wonder why they ever created such a form LMAO
“Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist.” ~Epicurus