12-14-2009, 05:58 AM
@IamKira:That is true which is why I put it up there, I find that it's the amber that we mortals find ourselves to be stuck in quite so often and thus it could too be a perfect opener for it only reveals one side of the looking glass begging you to question and defend the other. ^^
As for Spanish yes, that's one thing I have to say I love, you say it like you see it, if only other languages were so nice, and if I could remember that when I try and speak it. I think it comes down to the whole verb process and stuff. I jumble everything up. U.u What's worse is I don't do it nearly as much w/German and that's harder in that sense. I'm one backwards chik. Lol
What's easy is hard, and what's hard is easy. The insanity!
“Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist.” ~Epicurus