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12-14-2009, 07:34 PM

Originally Posted by ozkai View Post
What are your neighbourhood "gang wars" all about?
Huh? You make no sense now.

Originally Posted by mercedesjin View Post
I think you should do something with your life other than trying to start petty arguments on the Internet. Unless you'd like to try using your brain and actually coming up with an intelligent answer to one of my questions for once.

I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but good Lord am I ever tired of having Internet stalkers who don't have anything useful to say. I'm trying to learn. And you? You, unfortunately, remind me of kids in classrooms who have such low self esteem that they do nothing but mutter about how stupid everyone else is while you yourself are getting a failing grade.

WHEW. Felt good to type that out. But still, maybe not worth getting upset over. I'd forgotten why I'd gone on hiatus.
LOL, we (yes plenty of members) have been debating for you over racism in how many threads? 3, 4? I can't believe you still think I never gave you a valid argument after all that talk we had. You just won't accept that you're obsessed.

Half of your threads are about sexism and racism. All your posts are controversial and you disagree even when proven wrong. I hate to debate with you, as proven in all the links above. Go read if you forgot how many times I replied there.

Also, don't get encouraged by a fail troll like ozkai. He's one of the cancers of JF, kinda like VG was, after all he was her only supporter.

Since when is it immature to talk about pudding? Seriously, do you know the meaning of mature?
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