Originally Posted by NanteNa
KYO creates that magic. Really.. I always found this band to be utterly DOOMED if it wasn't for Kyo. He has that.. flair for just being super, freaking amazing. That thing that makes you wanna go purchase their lives and watch them for hours.. Just to try and figure out HOW he does it. I believe him to hold on to a love for music so dearly that it cannot be described..
Their live performances of Umbrella, Mr. Newsman and Dozing Green are just INSANE<3
My friend's single arrived today : D I have this certain urge to really wanna keep it.
That is very true, he's such an odd and interesting person, one is just instantly attracted to him.
But I do believe that they're all very talented and make the band what it is. Each member is beyond talented and I have so much respect for all of them.
Claire Fail. That's all I have to say. XD