Originally Posted by Sinestra
Iv watched several customers in Japanese restaurants in the heart of DC actually stab their food with chop sticks. Now this is of course funny and yet sad. What makes it worse is their forks available why these people never ask for forks is beyond me. So i actually ask a customer who was sitting across from me why he was stabbing his food he told this is the way they eat in China and its rude to eat Chinese food any other way (did i mention we were at a Japanese restaurant)  . All i could do was stare then face palm and go back to eating my meal.
That's also confusing for me.
It's rude in Japan to "stab" your food with chopstick's.
I could not understand why Chinese would stab their food either because whilst I realize it was a Japanese restaurant with pointy end chopsticks, Chinese chopstick's are very broadly rounded on the tips and would be difficult to stab .
I have found that my Western people who cannot use chopstick's well, and lack the rules of Asian etiquette, that they often stab their food whilst attempting to master the fine art of eating with chopsticks.