Originally Posted by Harumaki
いままで文法の間違いや変な言い方は使ったことがあり ません。
Just because I feel as though this needs to be pointed out:
Originally Posted by hatsuto11
貴方 - Why the kanji? And why not use your name?
日本語で - Should it be 日本語が? (
“fluent in”の検索結果(31 件):英辞郎 on the Web:スペースアルク)
Why みたいに with a sentence ending in ます? surely this is an imbalance?
Don't worry, my post is not just to point these things out, but also to give useful links on the grammar the OP asked about
てもいい -
Expressing "must" or "have to" | Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese
方がいい -
Using 「方」 and 「よる」 | Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese