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(#19 (permalink))
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ozkai (Offline)
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12-14-2009, 11:22 PM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
Everyone is racist in a way, it's just more jarringly obvious in America becuase that country is the great "melting pot", trying to absorb every known race and or culture out there. I would hazzard a guess that America has allways been like that, even before Europeans showed up, the Native tribes were as culturally diverse as the nations are today.
Whilst I believe "racism" is so connected to ignorance and non experience, I believe it is actually the native people's of countries who are the racists.

The majority of them have good reasons.

Look at the American Indians. Look at the Australian Aboriginies. Look at the Japanese Ainu. Look at the Amzon Tribes.

They all lived within their homelands and cultures until white man came to lay down their new laws and slaughter them.

Is white man really to blame?

Cheers - Oz
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