Way too serious
Posts: 874
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: +2 GMT
What has JF given you? -
12-15-2009, 06:27 AM
I've been on and off this site for nearly 3 years now and for one reason or another I caught myself thinking about the reasons why I kept coming back here and the effects this website as well as the community has had on me through out this time.
So I looked at the things I have received from JF (possibly trying to justify all the sleepless nights I've spent here ) and would gladly read about your own thoughts and experiences here.
As for me, I joined JF at a time when I was very passionate about learning various aspects of Japanese culture (as well as the language). Now, to be completely honest, this passion has faded with time. Yet, the information and people here, served as a source to satisfy my desire for knowledge which kept me coming back.
Apart from that, these forums provided me with interesting discussions, which helped me expand my knowledge of English language greatly.
It also created an impulse for my writing-urge, which has continued to grow ever since and slowly, but steadily has formed the writer within me.
Then there are the people, many of whom, I consider to be my friends now.
And of course, it has helped me understand Japan, it's people and culture much better.
Come to think of... maybe all those nights haven't been spent in vain after all...
Anyone else care to contribute?