I came to JF a couple years after coming back from Japan -- I did it as a way to share/talk about my experiences, because it seemed nobody in real life was interested or even understood, at all!
The people I went to Japan with are now in different colleges, so I figured this would be a good way to stay in the "loop" as far as Japanese cultural exchanges.
But I find
the more I'm on Japan Forum, the more daunting of a task going to Japan [again]
seems to be -- I never once went on a forum prior to going to Japan the first time, I think it's kind of a killjoy unless you've established some sort of "relationship" with Japan, which I have yet to do.
Other than that:
Japan Forum has given me advice, friends, and enemies.
...JF has also been a frustrating cluster of opinions, trolling, debates, and pointless arguing presented by a slew of people from every imaginable walk of life.... but I love it for that reason.