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(#184 (permalink))
WhoIsDaffy (Offline)
Posts: 164
Join Date: Dec 2009
12-15-2009, 09:41 AM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post

So what if the globe is getting warmer, really, what's so bad about that?

Eat food much?

last years global food surplus was about 200 million tonnes, thats not much.

All 1st world countries import lots of thier food. (Japan only grows/fishes 40% of the food it consumes)

what happens when the 3rd world countries suddenly dont have enough food to sustain themselves, let alone sell?

35-60% of an entire nations food is not just going to be magixed out of the sky. Thats hunderends and thousands of millions of tonnes.

Also if you actually read the document I linked, not only would you know this and not show yourself to be ignorant (the knoledge is there, if you cant be bothered to rtead it, thats ignorance), you would also be able to see which countries are going to have water shortages.

there are too many people harpin' on in this thread who have no idea what they are talking about.
only regurgitating what they have heard on
Chicken Noodle Network, the Fox propoganda channel or the British Brainwashing Corporation.

learn first, dont blindly propogate the spin
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