Originally Posted by yuriyuri
Look, you might be right about the wrong usage of the particle 'de'. Yes that's right, i should use 'ga' because 'de' makes no sense there. As for mitaini, I don't know if you are right or wrong! Maybe you are better than me in using that word

I mean, it may be unsuitable to use it in that context as you mentioned. Can ya plz tell me with wut i can replace it?
As to 貴方, i don't think that Japanese might have any rules that prevent me from writing it with kanji! It is not wrong! for instance, the word kawaii can sometimes be written as:かわいいand sometimes they write is as:可愛い. I don't think that you can consider that a mistake! Do never forget that Japanese was formerly written using kanji ONLY. And kanji is the main element in the japanese script. Those characters are the source of the concept themselves! Anyway, thx 4 ur notes