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Columbine (Offline)
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12-15-2009, 03:25 PM

Originally Posted by ozkai View Post
What I am saying is that when the British landed in Australia, it was the Australian aboriginies land.

Aboriginies were slaughtered, made prisoners in their own countries, and children were taken from their parents..

Now can you imagine why Aboriginies would be racist against white man?

I am guessing similar or different stories to other natives feelings around the globe.
Ok, that's what I hoped you had meant, and I agree, such people have a lot of understandable reason to hold hatred towards people who caused them such grief. On the other hand, it doesn't really make anything better for anyone, and racism no matter how 'justified' shouldn't really be tolerated.

There were two interesting case in the newspaper just today actually; a town in Britain was thinking of twinning with a town in Okayama, but have had to (as yet, unofficially) withdraw from the idea when a lot of their elderly parishioners objected, saying it was 'too soon after the war'. The Japanese were frankly baffled by this, and a little disappointed. I can perhaps understand their point, it is still within living memory but it seems something of a shame to me that we might have to wait another 30 years before we can make such steps towards closer friendly international relations.

The other was a segment which mentioned inter-ethnic minority racism riots earlier this year in PNG, which was interesting. Certainly it examples how racism isn't always related to skin colour and that minorities can be just as awful to other minorities.
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