Originally Posted by WhoIsDaffy
Eat food much?
last years global food surplus was about 200 million tonnes, thats not much.
All 1st world countries import lots of thier food. (Japan only grows/fishes 40% of the food it consumes)
what happens when the 3rd world countries suddenly dont have enough food to sustain themselves, let alone sell?
35-60% of an entire nations food is not just going to be magixed out of the sky. Thats hunderends and thousands of millions of tonnes.
Also if you actually read the document I linked, not only would you know this and not show yourself to be ignorant (the knoledge is there, if you cant be bothered to rtead it, thats ignorance), you would also be able to see which countries are going to have water shortages.
there are too many people harpin' on in this thread who have no idea what they are talking about.
only regurgitating what they have heard on
Chicken Noodle Network, the Fox propoganda channel or the British Brainwashing Corporation.
learn first, dont blindly propogate the spin
Could you provide us with some of your research or links that link this to man made global warming. The last document you linked in didn't provide that link.
There are nations with food and water shortages, and there always will be, but I missing the link between climate change (global cooling or warming) that it is Man made or that we can refreeze glaciers on a whim.
I think there are plenty of objective research throughout this thread, not just from the news networks that simply provide an outlet for the groups that do research on both sides. If you had read any further into the subject other than a government grab of a document from (Dec of 2000?!), you would have noticed that CNN and the BBC have mostly pushed the fact that globabl warming is man-made.
I'm dissapointed that you couldn't figure out a cooky achronym for Fox News like you did for CNN and the BBC.
It is possible that people read that document and either didn't have a comment on it, or just didn't satisfy them.
You impatience for a reply on it will make people avoid it like the plague.
I for one don't believe the sky is falling. You seem to.
Give us your opinion and your research, and occasional poem from Al Gore, but when your attack people on a personal note or where their outlet for research gathering, it shows you can't back up your argument and thus have lost the argument.