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(#38 (permalink))
darksyndrem (Offline)
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12-15-2009, 03:48 PM

A hell of a lot of troll stories. A lot of knowledge of Japanese that I didn't once have (not that it's a lot of knowledge, just much more than I used to have). Not really any friends though....seems like everyone answered that way O_o

In all seriousness though, this site used to be a place that pretty much kept me alive, when I was at my past school. I remember waking up every morning at like 5:30 to study Japanese and lurk JF until I had to go to school, once I got to school I'd go to the library and do the same thing, and then I'd do the same after school (I was pretty much a loser). Now, it's good for laughs, it's always fun to see what iPhantom has to say, since he seems to have something to say to everything. Or see what people say to a simple dancing picture that apparently looks like a sex position, and people posting pictures of themselves in their underwear....Well, you get the point.

JF pretty much always as something to talk about, usually not related to Japan at all.
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