Originally Posted by hatsuto11
As for mitaini, I don't know if you are right or wrong! Maybe you are better than me in using that word  I mean, it may be unsuitable to use it in that context as you mentioned. Can ya plz tell me with wut i can replace it?
I was thinking のように
Originally Posted by hatsuto11
As to 貴方, i don't think that Japanese might have any rules that prevent me from writing it with kanji! It is not wrong!
There is no law or anything saying you mustn't write it in kanji, but it can look un-natural to write absolutely everything in kanji... Especially when most people will write that word in hiragana.
Just for the sake of throwing some random very rough numbers out here lets use google hits:
"貴方" の検索結果 約 19,200,000
"あなた" の検索結果 約 269,000,000
Also I decided to bring it up because I wanted to know why you decided on あなた when Harumaki's user name is clearly visible.
Surely if you have to refer to him Harumakiさん would be better.
And just because I'm on the subject of pronouns, if you don't do it already avoid using pronouns as much as possible.
Hope this helps you out