Originally Posted by WhoIsDaffy
I refer you to page 35 (pictured)
the sky is not falling in on me.
I live in the first world.
I am not your teacher, go learn.
im not in the game of pointing fingers if its man or nature responsible for the change in our climate.
my personal opinion is that its blatantly man made, but im not going to bother arguing the case because there is sod good that is going to do.
its happening. if you can't see that then your blind.
how many 1 in a 1000 year storms/floods/droughts etc. are happeneing every year?
why do you think the price of food is going up so much?
its common sense
I fell into the hole of the argument is it man-made or not again which MMM posted about earlier.
I'm not saying that there isn't an issue with water shortages or problems with crops due to weather.
Weather is going to happen. The planet is ever changing. Lakes are going to dry up and new ones are going to be created. Glaciers are going to melt in some places and get bigger in other.
When the politicians get together for this little summit its all about power and money. So you should give a sod about it. Should countries spend themselves into oblivion for science that may or may not reduce co2 and methane levels by .003 percent over so many years and it is looking as if this won't make a fraction of a degree difference.
Many can't agree that its global cooling now or global warming.
Countries and aid should be given to those who need it to help to learn to adapt to the changing world. Teach them and help them make water reserves and alternative agriculture. This to bare the weather , not try to change it. Mother nature can't be controlled.
Yes you are right, aid should be given to these poor countries is poor climate, that is just moral. But we shouldn't destroy first world economies for the elite who hunger for power out of greed and put first world nations in a position to be blamed for the third world woes.
Again though, personal attacks...
Storms overall down this year.