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duo797 (Offline)
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12-15-2009, 06:54 PM

Originally Posted by hatsuto11 View Post
Look, i know very well that i should avoid using pronouns in Japanese since they don't like to refer to each other directly, but what do you think I can do?! I simply like the pronoun 'anata' because it is the same that we use in Arabic! That's all.... I just like that pronoun.... and if Harumaki felt offended of that (i don't think he may feel so), i would avoid using it with him.
Plus, I prefer using 貴方 (written in kanji) because i see it nicer that way... And believe me the japanese themselves also write it that way and they did that multiple times when e-mailing me, therefore, i would never think of asking ya to correct that
I don't think people get as offended on the internet (because it's the internet), and they're also more direct. Also, you may be interested in knowing that あなた is also a way that a wife might affectionately call for her husband instead of using his name. It's obvious no one here is married to you, but just so you know
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