Originally Posted by WhoIsDaffy
You'll take the bait??!?
im responding to your post (that had nothing to do with food), that makes you the bait. <snip>
anyway, i sense you are just trolling now. you show your world view to be small. well done
also, you miss the cutical point.
<sigh> arrgoant newbies eventually do get responses that are not necessarily "taking the bait". Unless you consider rude, inconsiderate and generally crass attitudes being voiced your "bait". Eventually this tripe you are posting does get most of us to respond.
But you need to do a little more research, Daf(t). Salavanas is not one who trolls, nor is his world view small. From what some of us know of him, he probably was paring down his world to something a small minded person would be sure to comprehend.
The TRUE "critical point" has been missed by no one. It is your expounding of self-centered, arrogance that (as Salvanas pointed out) will someday place you in conflict with someone who responds to a cultural offense with violence. Which, in the case of willful disregard for the sensibilites of others, usually deserves Darwinian elimination.