Great, just my luck.
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: London
12-16-2009, 01:15 AM
You'll take the bait??!?
im responding to your post (that had nothing to do with food), that makes you the bait.
My post has everything to do with food, and how to act towards people's cultures through table manners.
You went on a totally different subject, and part of culture, which did not match the subject.
It's called a Strawman.
also I have been to the middle east (I like the way you say you are highly arabian background, does that mean your parents smoke alot of hash?)
cultural differences, lets see.
in most of the world, when you offer someone a can of drink you open the can and pour it into a glass.
in the middle east the culture is to give the person a closed can and glass.
if you actually go to the middle east. if you are invited into someones home you will always be offered food, (must refuse 3 times, then say yes)
and drink. and if the drink is in the form of a can in "polite" society you will be offered the can sealed.
No, it means I'm Turkish, Egyptian, and with ancestry that reaches into the deep middle east.
As far as I know, there is no such etiquette to handing out drinks. Since knowing the middle eastern culture, the host takes it personally to treat you with respect and complete comfort.
For, in the middle east, a family is judged by how their hospitality towards others is. A relative, friend and stranger are treated with the exact same hospitality.
There is no "refuse 3 times then say yes." in the Arabian hospitality etiquette. That is in the Chinese culture, and mainly happened when a high ranking Lord was offered the Emperor's seat.
When you go into an Arabian's house, as a guest, they will find the need to make you eat atleast a small part of every course they have to offer. Arabian hosts feel that they're doing a bad job in hosting if you're not given atleast a part of every course. They will often try to make you eat more than you can.
To refuse can be seen as an offence. For a visitor who does not overeat can be seen by the host as a guest who is not showing the proper appreciation.
anyway, i sense you are just trolling now. you show your world view to be small. well done
Quite the opposite, actually. You show to have a small sense of understanding of a culture that belongs to my ancestors. And you insult me, and claim that I am the one trolling.
also, you miss the cutical point.
I'm sure the hamburger sold in fast food chains are a huge part of culture.
Taln has perfectly explained it. Thank you Taln.
Ozkai: If you have nothing worthwhile to say, then don't say anything. No one cares.
- “I've been lucky. I'll be lucky again.” -