Originally Posted by WhoIsDaffy
yes i understand what your saying, however the last 2 lines of your post apear to agree whith what you are quoting.
(also i have dealt with this many many times, my favourite is when people show the number 2 with the back of thier hand facing out which to anyone from the uk is rather rude)
you can tell if someone is offending you or not, thats not hard.
Basic social skills are required for this, as i am sure you are aware.
Basic social skills are not consistant around the world.
Your basic social skills are not the same as the ones in Japan, or any other country. This is what I'm trying to convey to you. These basic principals that you feels are just so
easy to pick out are very difficult, even for professionals who study basic social behavior in other countries.
Eye contact, smiling, gestures, posture, stances, infliction in word usage - all of these vary around the world, and each mean different things. Eye contact in some countres (In Japan, too, I believe) is considered rude. Smiling in some countries is consider awkward, or weird. Etc, etc.
Point is, basic social skills in your own country - sure, easy to know when someone's joking around or being nice to you. But when those same social skills mean something totally different in another country, you can't be sure if they're joking or really trying to tick you off