12-16-2009, 09:44 AM
Yea its the new world order baby, and its in effect
the build-a-burger's and BIS (thats a bank based in basel, the Bank of International Settlement - formed to dish out WW2 reperations money)
It's all hidden in plain sight.
yea there are some "funky" you tube video's out there (which all seem to have mark ronson, "clubbed to death" as the soundtrack)
But most of them tend to over hype, and hate on the NWO.
my point of view is simple.
I do not have the knowledge to pipe gas, water and electricity into my home (ok i do, but i dont have the means)
I can go to a pub and buy a beer, fags, i can even get food delivered to my house.
I can buy almost anything from almost anywhere in the world without even leaving my house.
sure the NWO is in effect, but i ask.
Is that really a bad thing?
(exception being that in order to maintain power 5% of the worlds population owns/controls 95% of the worlds money - and i'm not one of them)
Last edited by WhoIsDaffy : 12-16-2009 at 09:45 AM.
Reason: meh- typo