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12-16-2009, 11:55 AM
erm dude, thats you there salv,
It really is the culture to hand canned drinks out sealed
and it really is the case that a polite guest refuses food 3 times.
its not a real refusal, more of a social "dance", and no one is going to get upset if you dont do it.
I'd like you to quote that for me please, I have never ever seen such a thing. Only in Chinese culture. Not Arabian. I could be wrong, which is why I'm asking you to quote it, or it could be a part of the culture of a separate country in the middle east.
2 people having a meal in a sushi bar and drowning thier sushi in soya,
that is thier culture. and who knows where they get it from, perhaps they prefer the taste that way?
or perhaps when they were first introduced to sushi it was by the very upper echelons of the Yakuza and thats how they eat it?
you just don't know
There is a sort of custom for eating. And a place where food is artfully prepared, should be eaten properly. You don't cover your sushi in soy sauce, because you lose the taste of the raw fish, and so, there is no point eating the raw fish.
It's as if you're stating that you dislike the way the chef has made the sushi. Which could be taken as an insult.
It's not their culture at all. If you're eating sushi, it's Japanese culture. If you're eating spaghetti, it's the Italian culture. Paella, the Spanish culture. So if there are etiquettes you should follow while eating those foods, then you should follow them.
Not doing so, shows your ignorance and arrogance at presuming you are better than their culture.
ultimatly to say that the "culture/custom" these two have for eating sushi is wrong.
is to say that the mainstream "culture/customs" is better.
and to say that one culture is better than another, (no matter how minority that culture is, be it 20, 2 or even 1 persons own individual culture)
has a name.
Its called Fascism.
sure its not an extreme form of Fascism,
im sure no one is saying "gas the sushi drowners"
and that infact to simply poke fun at these people is pretty much at the opposite end of the spectrum, but it is on the same spectrum.
You're trying to make a conspiracy out of eating food. Do you know how stupid you sound?
It's not saying "Our culture is better than yours." at all. When it comes to culture and food, there are certain etiquettes you follow. Full stop.
Not following them, shows that you see yourself above the culture, and so finding no need to follow them, because you do not respect another's culture, and so do not require to show respect to a person. Arrogance. People will see as if you think you're superior to them.
That is what will piss people off the most. And if you one day meet a person, who takes this sort of slight personally, I pray that you have ways to defend yourself.
consider this.
if i had a thread called "butchering christianity"
and i stated that i was talking to some muslims and they said that jesus was a prophet but not the son of god.
Lets all laugh at them, gosh arn't they silly.
you would probably call me a racist.
this was what i was trying to put accross.
that we have no place to judge other peoples customs or cultures.
especially when we compare them to the mainstream.
(after all sushi started with one person going against the mainstream and saying
"nah screw cooking the fish-des, im just gonna put it with rice and eat it raw")
Mainstream? Judging?
what are you on about. You've turned this into some sort of conspiracy. You sound like one of the preachers who defame media because of the "mainstream".
We're only judging you at your incapability to respect someone's culture. There is no fascism, in the underlies of our arguments.
Also, religion =/= food. Religion is highly debatable. It always has been.
But eating etiquettes is something completely different, and hardly ties in with religion. Your religion example was a bad one.
It's funny when you claim that others don't know squat, when you yourself seemed to lack some sort of understanding, since you have multiple people against you.
I mean, sure. About 4 or 5 people are wrong, and you're right, no?
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